If grief was written in chapters.
Chapter 3
His mother’s breast slipped out of his mouth Now, he can only drink milk gotten from a cow
He eats beans when he wants cookies
His mama knows the best
Chapter 17
His first heartbreak has happened
hot air comes of his nostrils
his lungs are constricting
He is learning how to till the soil
Every door he opens
closes before he could enter.
Chapter 75
There is a volcanic eruption in his heart
he saw his father get killed
he stood aloof and watched in terror
and confusion
Why is the world after his happiness?
He is now a girl
lost her womb in an abortion process.
Every night in her dreams
a mountain of diapers swallows her
she dreams herself a boy
the first lips she kissed tasted like cherry
and later lemon.
Chapter 220
Her husband smells like his secretary
Her stillness fuels the bond.
there is a mighty Iroko tree in her heart
with six children cutting it down
with a penknife.
Every day she buried herself in gold
and her tears washed her remains up.
Chapter 388
She is now a table
her brother a chicken
it’s harmattan
and Christmas is here
The wood will make a fire
to keep them warm
then, they will have chicken for dinner.
The first time they experienced happiness
it was on the faces of their murders.
Chapter 700
He is an old man without an heir
He feeds the world and clothes the poor
but no one was there to close his grave.
Vultures feast on his remains
a generous man even in death.
Chapter 888
On the flip side
An old woman
The witch
her eyes cause misfortune
A mother of rogues and prostitutes
Stoned and roasted for flies.
Chapter one
The pain has no known address
grapples anything it can reach
it is without form
the end is not death.