Christian Ward
A dead wasp is staining a corner of the studio apartment with warning stripes.

Peach Delphine
our passports remain unstamped a crooked road thicket and tangle tongue unsalted eye

Never Angeline North
A surgery is an act, an event, bounded by time, but the surgeries in me are time-travelers.

andrea lianne grabowski
my body changes at the county line learns to stride the scissors across linen as wide as my walk

andrea lianne grabowski
hands calloused with the labor of buttercup squash, citations, native shrubs. hands desperate to turn soft again.

Leigh Doughty
who’s bodily cravings in the things the body has to say will not seem to pulse in the ordinary way.

Jaina Cipriano
I am mapping the darkness of my psyche, illuminating areas and eliminating fear.

Kieran Rose Pilon
i dig for some part yet undiscovered, some part of me that tells me who i am.

Sara Jane Trattner
my skin displayed in pale, unseemly glory. here, a butterfly pinned to cork with powdered wings

Victoria Garcia
the divinity of movements like resistance in the alcove of two lonely shoulder blades

Clem Flowers
broken glass being brought up by two sets of loving hands whose owners are never not hollering