cora hermes cora hermes

Leopold Crow

with curiosity, comes the slow growth into a body too small for all this

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cora hermes cora hermes

Leopold Crow

dead daughters gorge themselves on pomegranate and lemons to cope

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Devon Webb

I drag my broken pieces along threadbare roads made of bedsheets

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Sadee Bee

Those celestial Nymphs dance across the sky in their father’s arms.

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D.W. Baker

The spirographed school of fish has no I directing its body’s motion

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D.W. Baker

What use are eyelids when I see you in my sleep?

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D.D. Shipp

No biracial child needs to live in chronic fear of being shamed for representing their culture.

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Lotte Mitchell Reford

And that you were beautiful. He told you again and again that you were beautiful. But you just wanted it over and done

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Allison Thung

which is to say bob is still a dirty word, but then what teenager doesn’t venture the occasional cuss?

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Rumaisa Samir

I never know what to do with overwhelming mercy. / I always catch the first flight away from home.

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Rebecca Wood

Decoding the symbology of aloneness
Reading the reference texts of connection

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Noll Griffin

Across from the side already assigned in the nightmare late-for-school gym

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Liam Strong

may you never have to hear a prayer on behalf of healing or sickness

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cora hermes cora hermes

Liam Strong

digits on verge of subtraction, negative numbers on the spine of the horizon. devil.

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