Thomas Skahill


Thomas Skahill is a US based artist, poet, and educator currently living and working in Oakhurst, California. He can be found on instagram @skahillart


Easy read of the poems in the image above:

8 PM

Osso bucco belly full
of frozen food and 
added cheese. Hot dogs
for lunch 
in the hot sun. 

Mayonnaise salads
for sides
on paper plates. 

A hand
touches my leg
and I find an excuse
to leave.

9 PM

I don’t know why I stay anymore;
the roads are full
of assholes. The park is full
of clutter and broken dreams.
The work is heavy
and unforgiving.
Everything worthwhile
shuts down
or becomes too expensive;
unresponsive, overloaded.
I would say the people but
even those fruits rot
become covered in flies.

10 PM

Licorice night, dripping moon.
Fireflies in the air, or maybe just
flickers of hope permeating the
heat of the dying stars.

Laughter and the click of thirty five
millimeter film shutter the flight from
recycled warm and thrifted blankets
into gatherings of white huddled together
to keep from melting into puddles.

A gazebo under the ethereal.
A crying conversation.

Embrace the cold.
Embrace the moment.
Walk deeply in the night.


Allison Thung


Rumaisa Samir