Chocolate cake
[TW: eating disorders]
One day your a little kid eating a chocolate cake begging for more
The next your bent over the toilet throwing up because you haven’t eaten all day
You don’t know how to stop
The numbers get lower and lower
And that should make you happy but it’s not enough
You find yourself bitch at all your friends
And heavily comparing yourself to models who were at their peaks were before you were born
The only thing ever on your mind is your weight
You feel isolated
And hunger is the only feeling of comfort
Yet it offers an equal amount of discomfort too
You swear that you aren’t sick enough but you sleep to get away from the breath that not even a toothbrush can hide
You utter “I ate today” when your mom asks
But all you chewed on was a piece of gum to tie you over
And then you hit rock bottom
Realize this might be a problem
That you have to recover
Learning to like yourself now feels like a chore
Running a marathon for something you don’t necessarily desire