Heidi Miranda
if my body could speak
it would say you no longer
understand this language
we once shared.
give me better treatment
and I will be better too.
A Pisces Reimagined as a Body
You’ve got a mouth like an oven
and everything’s been coated in sugar
and baked at four fifty degrees
before you say it out loud to me.
written to prevent a trich attack
noIhavenever tried to pull out my eyelashes
in fact let it be known on the contrary however
that I have a great fear of losing my eyelashes
and not even mascara I can wear comfortably
because I don’t know how to take it off and
the last time I did this at my high school
graduation I washed my face and watched as
my eyelashes fell off in mascara clumps
staining the sink giving off the appearance of
marble doing what marble with mascara
does to things, like painting a canvas
with a perpetual coat of sadness and
fear and angst and agony and worry
all this because my eyelashes are
my loves and my eyelashes are so
terrifically holy to me.
devil hands
this is a
to come and
cause no harm.
Heidi Miranda is a Mexican poet and literature student. Her poems appear in numerous online and in print journals. She can be found on Twitter (@blueberrypoet) and Instagram (@weepingblueberry) sharing original photography and quotes from her favorite poets. In her free time she enjoys learning languages, taking landscape photos, reading prose and poetry, and collecting stationary.