James Diaz

These pieces quite literally explore pieces: of body, mind, heart, following the aftermath/glow of trauma, abuse, poverty, hope, and eventual healing. They were created in an attempt to heal and deal with aspects of my own dissociation, mania, depression and trauma responses. They are a way of "checking-in" with those aspects of self that need extra reminding of the good, the possible, the durable that lies just beneath the daily rubble.

Winter Barn

Image ID: "Winter barn / that first sweet darkness / where times is / seldom / timeless / listening for / fear / hope"

Mixed media collage, cotton, plastic flower, 2021


The Body, exhausted, endures

Image ID: "The body / exhausted / endures / is renamed breath / mountain / not loss / not prayer"

Mixed media collage, metal lantern frame, cotton, 2021


My Palms, My Mother

Image ID: "Experiences in early childhood / the numb feeling / that is just how it is / how things are / a burn scar / my palms / my mother / the / mesh / of / dark"

Mixed media collage, cotton, 2021


A Blessed Warmth

Image ID: "Every poem / accumulated / in the / dark / a blessed / warmth"

Mixed media collage, cotton, photo negatives, flower, spool of thread, 2021


There are no lies here

Image ID: "My / body's response / I can see now / was in pieces / do you love me / I asked / there are no lies here"

Mixed media collage, wooden drawer, cotton, pins, 2021


Shame, a thing changing color

Image ID: "We sang / in places / we hurt ourselves / dreamed / our shame / a thing changing color / the way we never are / again and again / only love / or unbroken"

Mixed media collage, cotton, leaf, red felt fabric heart, plastic flower, 2021

Image ID:

James Diaz creates words and images as ways out of hell. When depressed, they write, when manic, they visually carve out surreal other worlds to hold the chaos in their body still enough that something else might happen. And it does, blessedly, eventually, this something else.