Kimball Anderson

what is a body

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full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page
full image descriptions for each image appear on the EASY READ VERSION linked at the top of the page

Kimball Anderson makes comics for people who fell off of the conveyor belt of life. Since they were young they’ve been disabled by chronic illness, and much of their work explores the ignored, quiet spaces along the periphery that people fall into. Their work has appeared in journals and anthologies like Anomaly, Ink Brick, and How to Wait. You can find more of their comics online (