K Weber
I feel limitless. I feel limbless. This
liminality looms large. I am lemon-
soaked: lips pursed in disgust at my
own disguises and I dare to spend
time with wait and worry. When I tell
this woman I want a day without, she
asks me to look within. I stretch, eat,
let the shower warmly devour sorrow,
but also count the hours until all of these
rain days in the brain pass completely
and easily. What luck if they do! I take
others’ cues to wade through enough
as I adjust, readjust. But mostly I lazily
daze; dissociate until I dream of time
slowing. I can then savor my wavering
breaths and the punctuation of off-beats
in my chest. Until then, all is dire, fire-
soaked and over-fueled with emergency.
Flashbacks and thunder startle me further
from freeing my overfilled mind so I can
try to do it again, again. Without. Within.
social because of circum-
stance. i hide beneath the fore-
ground, deeper as a gem.
gravity on a good day; over-
shadowing my sad self, with-
standing all abuses.
freeze when winter’s up-
turned with bitterness. this comes mid-
sentence sometimes.
We are cohesive
You offer to hide
me in your closet
and never misplace
me when I explain
that my hands
go limp and weaken
if there’s a nervous
squall in my stomach.
I expect everyone
to respond to me
with wooden walls,
powdered wigs,
wielding their gavels.
Too many have
sentenced me to a life-
time of total insanity
but you don’t laugh
when I say time
alarms me. There’s never
enough time yet time
keeps going, even after
the end of the world.
K Weber (she/her) is an Ohio writer with 10 online books of poetry. She obtained her Creative Writing BA in 1999 from Miami University. K writes independently and collaboratively, having created poems from words donated by more than 300 people since 2018. K has poems featured in publications such as The Hooghly Review, Writer’s Digest, Fevers of the Mind & her photography/digital collages appear in literary journals including Barren Magazine and Nightingale & Sparrow. Much of K's work (free in PDF/some audio!) and her publishing credits are on her website: kweberandherwords.com