Volume 1

August 19, 2021 - November 22, 2021

Being a human, is a complex, messy affair.

Victoria Muthiani, Dear Sharon

Victoria Muthiani

Dear Sharon


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Eleanor Oliver, Epiderma

Eleanor Oliver



A body which must move in seconds
is not a body
prone to breathing.


Sanjana Raghavan



therapist: is there anything you’re good at

getting hurt, not telling enough goodbyes


Agwam Kessington



I restrict my memories, my thinking patterns, my food intake, my thoughts of existence.

Elizabeth Brandon, Shell of a Girl

Elizabeth Brandon

Shell of a Girl


But the touchstone for anomoly
is a tangible disparity.

Joshua Morley, Dysphoria Andromeda

Joshua Morley

Dysphoria Andromeda


We have dad bods
that we like best when naked

Kenneth Pobo, Lavender Glitter

Kenneth Pobo

Lavender Glitter


white knuckled clutch my identity before I become another ghost

Evelyn Bauer, The Marsh is a Trans Dyke Too

Evelyn Bauer

The Marsh is a Trans Dyke Too


I have already made
more of myself, lessened

the breast given,

Lorelei Bacht, Crimson in metric

Lorelei Bacht

Crimson in metric


What is it we’re giving birth to these days?
How do we do it?

Gaby Benitez, exorcism

Gaby Benitez



a fraction up or down
decides my day

Courtney LeBlanc, Mean It

Courtney LeBlanc

Mean It


Rae Stone

Foreign Object Detected

This womb
fights my body
to shed more blood.
Cause more pain.
Take up space
where it isn’t wanted.

Rae Stone, Foreign Object Detected


Sarosh Nandwani

tactile familiarity

the way my lover scoops me up
how he brings himself close, melts into me

Sarosh Nandwani, tactile familiarity


Ami J. Sanghvi

Demonic Homecoming Dance

for i am still ongoing the

portal that is this poem is still open I can feel it in my BONES my soul

Ami J. Sanghvi, Demonic Homecoming Dance


MP Armstrong

automated menu hymn

if you know your party’s extension you may enter it at any time

(like you’d enter a river)
(like you’d enter a mouth)
(like you’d exit


MP Armstrong, automated menu hymn


Clair Dunlap

Mapping a Galaxy

the map of my
self is a simple thing, overwhelmed by a mind
set on its patterns

Clair Dunlap, Mapping a Galaxy


JP Seabright

Body of Work

This body of work, my body at work, is a constant fluxing, fucking movable feast. I hunger for the taste of my own flesh, the meager meat on my bones.

JP Seabright, Body of Work


Astrid Bridgwood

Live Burial

God loved me once, I’m halfway to sure
He had to. Loved a body still-born,
I was Other once - blest I’m halfway to sure.

Astrid Bridgwood, Live Burial


The Maenad

Princess Gwen, Shameless Fat Cow of the Fat Rat Patrol

Moo. Stare at me whatever. I’d like to see you do better.
It’s something else, the thing
That you can’t conceive is that I love being me.

The Maenad, Princess Gwen, Shameless Fat Cow of the Fat Rat Patrol


Clem Flowers

Jellied Tomato Refresher

I remember reaching out for a hand to hold me up
and there was nothing and I spent years after feeling like I always needed
to apologize.

Clem Flowers, Jellied Tomato Refresher


Sloane Angelou

Letter to my grandmother

you taught me a lot of things
nnem, like my body is a temple.
But, you forgot to tell me who will
build it.

Sloane Angelou, Letter to my grandmother


Andre Peltier

She Showed Me Her Scars

“touch the cuts,”
she whispers.
”Run your fingers over the scars.”

Andre Peltier, She Showed Me Her Scars


Ellen Clayton & Cara Ianuale

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Once the small talk is done we settle
into our closeness and the
truth begins to

Ellen Clayton, Hysterical Women


Elyssa Taperro


All I know is that I never feel
more comfortable in my own body
than when you’re the one inhabiting it.

Elyssa Taperro, “-oria”


Avery Nguyen


He looks at me. He makes conversation. I fumble my key in the lock.

Avery Nguyen, Tops


Erin Bryant Petty


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Erin Bryant Petty, Rooted


Lynn Finger

The Year I Stopped Eating

I was a banquet,
a bounty, the jutted ribs a toy &
collar bone a yoke, Picasso cheek bones
angular, the best disappearance I knew.

Lynn Finger, The Year I Stopped Eating


Ona Woods

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Ona Woods,